Our Story

Welcome to Omnicare Cosmetics, where beauty meets innovation, and confidence reigns supreme. We are a visionary brand that understands the importance of self-care and self-expression. Our mission is to empower individuals to embrace their uniqueness and radiate confidence through the transformative power of makeup. At Omnicare, we believe that beauty is not just skin deep; it is an art that deserves to be nurtured and celebrated.

Our Founder's Journey: From Blemished to Brilliant

Omnicare Cosmetics was born out of a deeply personal journey of our founder, Gizem. Like many others, struggled with skin issues that affected their self-esteem and confidence. These challenges led them on a quest to find a solution that could not only enhance their appearance but also address the root of the problem - bacteria build-up on makeup brushes. Gizem embarked on extensive research and realized that makeup brushes, often overlooked for their role in skin health, could harbour harmful bacteria and lead to skin irritations and breakouts. Fuelled by the desire to create a positive change in the beauty industry, Gizem set out to develop a revolutionary solution that would elevate makeup hygiene to an entirely new level.